Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Rickets disease and changes in rickets

                 This occurs in children who are not exposed to sunlight and whose diet is deficient in vitamin D as well . Typically this was (it is no longer common in western world ) thus a disease of the poor European children .

The changes in rickets are follows :
·           In the bone , the calcium content is low and the bones becomes  therefore soft. Such bones bow when they bear weight as in femur and tibia.
·         The process of ossification in cartilaginous bone is retarded . Normally the cartilage is first calcified, then removed and then new bones are deposited. In rickets, the calcification of the cartilage is poor , the cartilage cells continue to proliferate and the shaft becomes broad and irregular.
Rarely the rickets may be due to disease ( destruction ) of the kidney ( renal rickets ).   

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