Sunday, October 7, 2012

What is Protein & its properties , functions

Protein is complex organic nitrogenous compound composed of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds.
Sources :
Meats , Fish , Milk , Egg, Vegetables etc.
protien foods

Properties of protein :

·         Protein are colloidal in nature.
·         They are generally soluble in water , weak  salt solution, dilute acids and alkalies.
·         Protein undergo coagulation by heat and strong acid.
·         Each protein has got a particular isoelectric pH at which it can be precipitated.
·         Protein are denatured by many kinds of physical or chemical treatment such as shaking, change of reaction , addition of neutral salt etc.

Functional important of protein

·         Its acts as a growth material for the organism.
·         It repairs the wear and tear of the body.
·         To increase flesh, body weight etc. Cells mostly contain protein.
·         It forms buffer system of the body and helps in oxygen carriage.
·         It acts as a part of fuel of organism.
·         It provides energy to the body e.g- 4.1 kal/gm.
·         Maintains colloidal osmotic pressure etc.
·         It helps in the formation of enzymes, hormones antibody etc.

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