Sunday, October 7, 2012

What is Protein & its properties , functions

Protein is complex organic nitrogenous compound composed of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds.
Sources :
Meats , Fish , Milk , Egg, Vegetables etc.
protien foods

Properties of protein :

·         Protein are colloidal in nature.
·         They are generally soluble in water , weak  salt solution, dilute acids and alkalies.
·         Protein undergo coagulation by heat and strong acid.
·         Each protein has got a particular isoelectric pH at which it can be precipitated.
·         Protein are denatured by many kinds of physical or chemical treatment such as shaking, change of reaction , addition of neutral salt etc.

Functional important of protein

·         Its acts as a growth material for the organism.
·         It repairs the wear and tear of the body.
·         To increase flesh, body weight etc. Cells mostly contain protein.
·         It forms buffer system of the body and helps in oxygen carriage.
·         It acts as a part of fuel of organism.
·         It provides energy to the body e.g- 4.1 kal/gm.
·         Maintains colloidal osmotic pressure etc.
·         It helps in the formation of enzymes, hormones antibody etc.

Mechanism of action of Penicillin

Mechanism of action of Penicillin

            Penicillin first binds with specific penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) that serves as drug receptor on bacteria. Then –
Ø  Penicillin acts as a selective inhibitor of transpeptidase enzyme . So the transpeptidation (cross-linking) reaction is inhibited and peptidoglycine synthesis is blocked. As a result a fragile cell membrane is formed and thus cell membrane permeability increased . Now fluid goes inside the cell due to hypertonic internal osmotic pressure . The bacterial cell becomes swollen and ultimately the cell explodes and lysed.

Ø  Penicillin actives an autolytic enzyme by removing or inactivating the inhibitor  of autolytic enzyme in the cell wall – activated autolytic enzyme causes lysis of the bacterial cell wall in isotonic environment –Death  of the bacteria .   

General structure of penicillin

                   Structure of Penicillin

                Penicillin consists of a Thiazolidine ring (α) attached to a β – lactam ring . 
The rings constitute the fundamental nucleus of all the penicillin called 6-amino-penicillanic acid (6-APA).  β- lactam ring carries a free amino group to which acid radical can be attached to synthesis a newer penicillin.
structure of penicillin

·         β-lactam ring is responsible for the antibiotic action of the penicillin.
·         Thiazolidine ring  is responsible for absorption, distribution and hypersensitivity reaction of the penicillin.
·         Different radicals attached to free amino group determine the pharmacological properties of the new drug.

Indication of Penicillin

Indication of Penicillin
A)    Pneumococcal  infection :
·        Pneumococcal pneumonia
·        Pneumococcal empyema
·        Pneumococcal meningitis
·        Other pneumococcal infections
Suppurative arthritis , Osteomyelitis , Acute suppurative mastoiditis , Peritonitis.

B)    Streptococcal infection :
·        Pharyngitis
·        Pneumonia
·        Meningitis
·        Arthritis
·        Endocarditis
·        Infection of conjunctiva
C)    Meningococcal infection : Meningitis.
D)   Gonococcal  infection :
·        Gonorrhea
·        Gonococcal arthritis
·        Gonococcal urethritis
E)     Syphilis
F)     Actinomycosis
G)   Diphtheria
H)   Anthrax , tetanus
I)       Rat-flee bite  fever, erysipeloid