Sunday, October 7, 2012

What is Protein & its properties , functions

Protein Protein is complex organic nitrogenous compound composed of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. Sources : Meats , Fish , Milk , Egg, Vegetables etc. protien foods Properties of protein : ·         Protein are colloidal in nature. ·         They are generally soluble in water , weak  salt solution, dilute acids and alkalies. ·         Protein...

Mechanism of action of Penicillin

Mechanism of action of Penicillin             Penicillin first binds with specific penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) that serves as drug receptor on bacteria. Then – Ø  Penicillin acts as a selective inhibitor of transpeptidase enzyme . So the transpeptidation (cross-linking) reaction is inhibited and peptidoglycine synthesis is blocked. As a result a fragile cell membrane is formed and thus cell membrane...

General structure of penicillin

                   Structure of Penicillin                 Penicillin consists of a Thiazolidine ring (α) attached to a β – lactam ring .  The rings constitute the fundamental nucleus of all the penicillin called 6-amino-penicillanic acid (6-APA).  β- lactam ring carries a free amino group to which acid radical can be attached to synthesis a...

Indication of Penicillin

Indication of Penicillin A)    Pneumococcal  infection : ·        Pneumococcal pneumonia ·        Pneumococcal empyema ·        Pneumococcal meningitis ·        Other pneumococcal infections Suppurative arthritis , Osteomyelitis , Acute suppurative mastoiditis , Peritonitis. B)   ...

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Pharmaceutical Aids and Technical Products

Pharmaceutical Aids and Technical Products     A number of natural products find use in various fields in addition to medicine and pharmacy. These products are called technical products which are used in beverages, condiments, flavoring agent spices , paints ,varnishes and cosmetics. pharmaceutical aids Pharmaceutical aids  For the production of drug various techniques like as purification, filtration, adsorption, solubilization,...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Classification of Penicillin with source and function

Classification of Penicillin According to the source : A)     Natural penicillin Oral: (1) Phenoxy-methyl-penicillin ( Penicillin- v), (2) Phenethicillin penicillin Parenteral : Benzyl penicillin ( Penicillin-G ). B)      Semisynthetic  penicillin (β-lactamase resistance) 1)      Narrow spectrum penicillin ( penicillinase resistance ): Oxacillin ,Cloxacillin,...

What is penicillin and Source of Penicillin

PENICILLINS It is the oldest member of bactericidal antibiotics . Sir Alexander  Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. In 1940 Chain , Folery and their  associates first produce significant quantities  of penicillin from cultures of Penicillium  notatum .  Penicillins are lipid insoluble.  penicillin Cannot cross the blood brain barrier. Can cross the placental barrier. Source of Penicillin : 1. Natural...